Professor Steven Tuch at the Institute of Sociology, University of Opole

Last week we hosted professor Steven Tuch from the George Washington University in Washington DC, who was visiting the University of Opole within the framework of Erasmus+ exchange programme. Besides many fruitful meetings with the faculty members, his visit produced an interesting series of classes taught to our local and international students. The lectures covered the broad topics of quantitative analysis with SPSS and the racial attitudes in the United States. There was also a Q&A session where the students asked all kinds of interesting questions inducing equally fascinating answers about the life on American campuses, professional and research careers of students and personal academic experiences of professor Tuch.

Turkish Language Summer Course 2017

Turkish Language Summer Course 2017

The Turkish Embassy in Warsaw invites you to a Turkish Language Summer Course which is going to be held in Konya in Turkey between 24 July and 20 August. To apply, one needs to speak at least basic Turkish. All the necessary information as well as the application form...



Dear Students, Attention please! There are no classes on Monday (after 12 pm) until Wednesday. It’s time to start the Piastonalia, series of events which connect all students in Opole. What kind of attractions await us in the coming week? Multiply numbers of concerts,...

Quo Vadis, Iuvenis?

Quo Vadis, Iuvenis?

Some of our students never miss a chance to develop their professional skills, broaden their horizons, travel and meet new people, participating in the conferences. Arif Siswanto, our Intercultural Communication MA student, has kindly agreed to share his experience...