Professor Steven Tuch at the Institute of Sociology, University of Opole
Last week we hosted professor Steven Tuch from the George Washington University in Washington DC, who was visiting the University of Opole within the framework of Erasmus+ exchange programme. Besides many fruitful meetings with the faculty members, his visit produced an interesting series of classes taught to our local and international students. The lectures covered the broad topics of quantitative analysis with SPSS and the racial attitudes in the United States. There was also a Q&A session where the students asked all kinds of interesting questions inducing equally fascinating answers about the life on American campuses, professional and research careers of students and personal academic experiences of professor Tuch.

Token registration for foreign language course and exams 2024/2025
SJO invites all students to read the terms and conditions of registration for summer semester language courses and registration for foreign language exams in the summer session. The registration is conducted on the USOSweb platform in student’s section >...

FORTHEM collective short-term mobility – PhD course “The city and its citizens: exploring planning processes”
Would you like to take part in a week-long activity as part of a group of international students? This programme gives you the opportunity to meet physically on site in one of the nine FORTHEM universities with around 25 other students.In this PhD course we will focus...

FORTHEM SHORT-TERM MOBILITY – call for participants
You can now apply for short-term mobilities within FORTHEM Alliance. You can choose from 10 collective mobilities or apply for an individual stay at one of the partner universities. Collective short-term mobilities: Exploring the circular economy in...

Call for STM projects within FORTHEM
Faculties, departments, Student Union and other actors can apply for a FORTHEM Short Term Mobility status for their 5-day intensive courses. The deadline for applications is 11/09/2024, and the programmes should be organized between 01/03/2025 and...

Erasmus+ office hours on July 9-10 and 16, 2024
On July 9, 2024 (Tuesday) International Mobility Teams / Erasmus+ office will be open until 2p.m. On July 10, 2024 (Wednesday) International Mobility Teams (Erasmus+ office) will be open until 1p.m. On July 16, 2024 (Tuesday) International Mobility Teams (Erasmus+...

Electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester
Dear Students! The first round of electronic enrolment for the university-wide variable courses in the winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025 starts on June 03, 2024. It is important that each student, before registering in their account

Open Days UO 2024
Dear prospective students, We are pleased to invite you to join our Open Days at the University of Opole in 2024. This is a unique opportunity to receive all necessary information regarding admission, legalization of residence, documents, and more, as well as to ask...

International Students Office at education fair in Uzbekistan
From 16.04 to 20.04.2024 the representatives of Foreign Students Office have been representing UO while participating in "Education and Career" education fair in Uzbekistan. During the fair our Office has been actively promoting Opole University - numerous...

FORTHEM short-term mobility: Life & Vision
Ogłaszamy rekrutację na krótkoterminową mobilność mieszaną “FORTHEM Life & Vision”, organizowaną przez Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Niemcy) na University of Agder (Norwegia), naszych partnerów w ramach Sojuszu FORTHEM. Warunkiem przyjęcia wniosku...

Erasmus + Office hours on 25.04.2024
On April 25, 2024 Erasmus+ office will be open until 2 p.m. Erasmus+ TeamW dniu 25.04.2024 biuro Erasmus+ będzie otwarte do godziny 14. Erasmus+ Team