Europe-Mobile (deadline for applications June 14, 2017)

Dear students,

If you still don’t have plans for September, we encourage you to submit your application for participation in the international youth project “Europe-Mobile”.

You have a chance to become one of 20 motivated students from various countries of the EU, who will travel around by bus – the “Europamobil” – visiting schools, where they will encounter pupils, run workshops and seminars for them, play simulation games, connected to certain European issues. One week before the project starts, students will have educational training, so they will be totally prepared to those kind of activities.

This year, “Europe-Mobile” will take place from September 04 to September 29 in the region of Brandenburg in Germany, and it is meant mostly for students of European Studies, Political, Social or Cultural Sciences as well as Economics and other relevant disciplines.

Travel costs and costs for accommodation and food will be covered by the Genshagen Foundation.

For more information on “Europe-Mobile” please visit their website:

You can also find additional information on Facebook:

The application form with all information about the required documents is available under:

Deadline for applications has been extended until 14 June 2017.

For further information on the project or in case of any questions that may arise, feel free to contact the coordinators of Europe-Mobile:
Stephen Bastos ( ; 0049(0) 33 78 – 8059-50) or

Charlotte Müller (; 0049(0) 33 78 – 8059-95)

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