Winter Semester 2017/2018 Variable Course Registration
Dear students,
This Monday, the 8th of May, at 8 a.m., a registration for the winter semester variable course will open. You might remember the procedure, although to refresh it in your memory go here. As usual, we advise you to go to USOSweb and look through the courses in advance, because you will have to fish them out from the list where English and Polish courses are mixed up. Please, remember, that you can choose from all the courses except for those taught at your department.
Traditionally, the most popular courses will be grabbed up in no time. But you will have more than one opportunity to deregister and select another course, if you change your mind or see that the group you have chosen is not numerous enough and most probably will not be open – the registration will be held in three stages:
- 8–10 May 2017
- 15–18 May 2017
- 29–31 May 2017 (individually with a respective department coordinator).

Holodomor Remembrance Day in Ukraine
Today we unite with all our Ukrainian students and colleagues in a dull moment of silence to commemorate unthinkable and horrible events from not so long ago. Holodomor is a man-made famine which occurred on the territory of Ukraine in 1932-1933 and was designed to...

Open extracurricular language courses
Dear students, In response to your needs, we are opening an extracurricular English course. Anyone who would like to review the grammar and structures of English is invited. We are going to go through all the tenses of English, try to increase our vocabulary, and...

Invitation to Kulturalia
Dear students, Recently we have received a message from the organizers of Kulturalia event, which is held annually at our University. "From 28th November till 2nd December our University is organizing another KULTURALIA EVENT, which will be held in form of workshops....

Winter is coming!
Dear students, This message is written mostly to those who came from far away countries with climates different from the one here. As you might have seen, winter is coming! It can be snowy, freezing and slippery as well (though not necessarily). Real winter can be...

Independence Day in Poland
Dear students, You all know that tomorrow Poland celebrates its Independence Day. We do not want to go into any deep historical background here – if you are really interested, you may find any information on the Internet. Nevertheless, there used to be times when...