Today we unite with all our Ukrainian students and colleagues in a dull moment of silence to commemorate unthinkable and horrible events from not so long ago. Holodomor is a man-made famine which occurred on the territory of Ukraine in 1932-1933 and was designed to annihilate the bearers of Ukrainian culture. That inhumane Soviet policy affected mostly rural inhabitants, as the village was the centre of the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian traditions. All the household foodstuff was confiscated and being left without any means of existence, people were forced to eat herbal roots, earth, and each other…It might seem unbelievable right now that several dozens years ago in times of peace people had to kill in order to get bread.
Holodomor killed millions of people, but only starting from 2006, it has been considered in Ukraine as a deliberate act of genocide. Since then every fourth Saturday of November is officially marked as the Holodomor Remembrance Day. At 4 pm this day, Ukrainians light a candle at their homes for all the victims of Holodomor and soviet repressions.