Dear students,

You might have noticed the weather is getting better and better and we can spend more time outside enjoying it. Very soon you will see that Opole offers many opportunities for active leisure. For example, starting from March 1st, you can rent a bicycle using Nextbike service network.

Nextbike is a German company which renders its services in 14 countries and 73 cities. In Poland Nextbike service is available in Wrocław, Poznań, Opole, Warsaw, Sopot, Białystok, Lublin, Katowice, and others. Once you register in Nextbike system, you will be able to rent bicycles in many cities of the world and in Poland in particular, according to the local tariffs.

How does it work?

  1. First and foremost, you have to visit the service web-page and register by clicking on the “Registration” button – you will be asked to provide your personal information such as telephone number, name and surname, accept the rules and pay a minimum initial fee (10 zl). The whole procedure will not take much of your time. In the result you will receive your PIN which will be used to rent a bike.
  2. After you registered and paid the initial fee, you can rent the bike on 24/7 basis. To do that, you should find a rental location – all the stations in Opole are marked on the map here:, but you may also easily notice them when you’re walking around the city. So, you should come up to the terminal, press “Rent”, provide your mobile phone number and PIN, and proceed according to the instructions on the screen. You will be given the code needed in order to unlock the chosen bike. I advise you to install a free Nextbile app in your mobile and the process of renting a bike will be faster – you just enter bike number or scan QR code. Moreover, you will be able to check how much time you spent riding.
  3. You can return the bike at any station – place the bike in the stand, fasten it with a line and change the figures in the code lock. Then, go to the terminal, press “Return” and proceed according to the instructions on the screen. Or again, use the Nextbike app, entering the bike number or scanning QR code.

How much does it cost?

  • Initial fee – 10 zł;
  • 0-20 min – free;
  • 20-60 min – 2 zł;
  • every consecutive hour – 4 zł.
  • if you extend the 12-hour rental period you pay 200 zł.

If you use Nextbike app, you should deposit a certain amount of money to your account, and every time you rent a bike, a fee will be withdrawn automatically.

Remember, that you bear responsibility for the bike you rent. In case it is stolen or damaged, you will have to pay a fine in the amount of 2000 zł.

Do not hesitate to use this opportunity. Riding a bike is always a good idea.

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