Adaptation week at the University of Opole
This week we welcome the new foreign students who have just come to Poland and will study at one or another English study programme launched by the University of Opole this year. The Office for International Study Programmes has prepared a couple of events in order to help them get adjusted to the new environment and facilitate their integration with the local culture.
By mere coincidence, we started the Adaptation Week with the celebration of the World Language Day that we have co-organized with the Foreign Language Library on September, 26. In the nice and friendly atmosphere, we got familiar with the cultures we represent, be it the traditional cuisine, music or language, and tried to destroy the stereotypes. Moreover, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the locals and get some advice from them on how to survive in Opole and enjoy the time spent here. During this evening, we practically visited Turkey, Ukraine, France, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, and Italy, and, at least, visually experienced all the beauty and authenticity of those countries.
The meeting ended up with music performances. The guests and the hosts of the event sang the songs of Edith Piaf, John Lennon, Ben E. King, and Leonard Cohen.

Moszna Castle
On Saturday, Dec 14, a group of 47 UO students visited Moszna Castle. Check out some pics! A few words from Abdelrahman Elkhouly - our student, who organized this event: "I like to discover more in Poland, Moszna is one of the interesting places in opole...

Polish Christmas and Chinese Students
The meeting dedicated to the Polish Christmas traditions and organised for Chinese students studying at the University of Opole was held on December 16, 2019 at Collegium Maius. The aim of the meeting was to familiarise our guests with the most specific aspects of...

Christmas break and the end of semester
Dear Students! The end of semester and exam session are coming. You can check the details of important deadlines in our academic calendar here: The most important dates and information about which you should remember: On 20th of...

Flavours of the World
The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project Increasing competencies of academic staff and institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome...

16 Days against
Dear Students! We want to thank you for participation in the campaign 16 Days against gender-based violence. We've got some pictures with our foreign students, who actively participated in the events . More News

Christmas without borders
Christmas Eve is one of the special and particularly important traditions of this holiday season, which has been proven by many initiatives to make the atmosphere even more festive and joyful. One of them is Christmas without borders event organized under the...

Write for Rights
On Dec 5 (12pm-3pm) on the Faculty of Law and Administration in room 1.11 will be held a letter-writing campaign with Amnesty International. The main aim of this event is to mobilize people around the world to stand up against human rights violations. We invite...

Dear Students! Christmas is getting closer every day, and what better way to feel the air of festivity than through carols? We invite you all to the Christmas carols concert on December 2, at 5 pm in the University of Opole Museum (Collegium Maius). Artists: Beata...

DEAR STUDENTS Next Monday, the 2nd of December, at 8:30 a.m., a registration for the summer semester variable course will open. As usual, we advise you to go to USOSweb and look through the courses in advance, because you will have to fish them out from the list where...

World Press Photo 2019
World Press Photo Exhibition 2019 “Visit the World Press Photo Exhibition 2019 on its world-wide tour showcasing the stories that matter with photography from the 62nd annual World Press Photo contest.The winners were chosen by an independent jury that reviewed more...