Professor Steven Tuch at the Institute of Sociology, University of Opole
Last week we hosted professor Steven Tuch from the George Washington University in Washington DC, who was visiting the University of Opole within the framework of Erasmus+ exchange programme. Besides many fruitful meetings with the faculty members, his visit produced an interesting series of classes taught to our local and international students. The lectures covered the broad topics of quantitative analysis with SPSS and the racial attitudes in the United States. There was also a Q&A session where the students asked all kinds of interesting questions inducing equally fascinating answers about the life on American campuses, professional and research careers of students and personal academic experiences of professor Tuch.
UO Hoodies
UO Hoodies are back!On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Univeristy of Opole, thanks to our colleagues from the Academic Career Centre, our students have an opportunity to yet again buy the Univeristy Hoodies.About The new hoodies are a result of the...
Daylight Saving Time
Dear Students, Warmer days are fast approaching. After the cold Winter season we all anxiuosuly awaited Spring. Luckily, it is finally time to bid our farewells to the cold weather and begin preparations for the warmer seasons. Please remember that on March 31st,...
International Conference – UO International Week
International Conference - Central European International Week at UO This year, for the second time, our University will host the Central European International Week. For one week, our colleagues from partner universities will join the UO professors and...
Employee training- Welcome to UO
The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project Increasing competencies of academic staff and institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome...
The recruitment for new academic year 2019/2020 starts now
Dear Students, The new recruitment for mobilities for studies and traineeships abroad during the academic year 2019/2020 starts now!* The recruitment will last from 04.03.2019 to 22.03.2019. Studies under the Erasmus+ Programme are a great opportunity to gain...
Cooperation with Iran
Three years of cooperation Cooperation between the Univeristy of Opole and Iran started in 2016 . After three years, Iran remains a very important partner for the University of Opole with many project ongoing, personalpartnerships flourishing and possibilities...
Szkolenie dla pracowników UO
Witamy w Polsce - szkolenie dla pracowników Uniwersytetu Opolskiego Dział ds. Badań Naukowych i Współpracy z Zagranicą serdecznie zaprasza do udziału w szkoleniu dla pracowników Uniwersytetu Opolskiego “Studenci zagraniczni w pracy jednostek UO”, organizowanego w...
Performance by Eramus Students
Another world is possible - social justice in practice A special event took place on Wednesday evening, January 23rd 2019 in the Student Culture Centre. Erasmus students presented the result of their intercultural project from the Another world is possible -...
Social Justice
The 3rd Forum Theatre Performance Dear Students, We would like to invite you all to the "Forum theatre" performance prepared by the students from "Another world is possible..." course. Meet us on January 23rd, at 6 p.m. in the Student Culture Centre. More News
Goodbye Party
Dear International Students Do you realize that the winter semester is coming to an end?! Yes, it is, but let’s not feel sad. It is a nice opportunity to enjoy your final days in Opole and spend some time together and have fun at the Goodbye Party. To make it even...