Winter Semester 2017/2018 Variable Course Registration
Dear students,
This Monday, the 8th of May, at 8 a.m., a registration for the winter semester variable course will open. You might remember the procedure, although to refresh it in your memory go here. As usual, we advise you to go to USOSweb and look through the courses in advance, because you will have to fish them out from the list where English and Polish courses are mixed up. Please, remember, that you can choose from all the courses except for those taught at your department.
Traditionally, the most popular courses will be grabbed up in no time. But you will have more than one opportunity to deregister and select another course, if you change your mind or see that the group you have chosen is not numerous enough and most probably will not be open – the registration will be held in three stages:
- 8–10 May 2017
- 15–18 May 2017
- 29–31 May 2017 (individually with a respective department coordinator).
Work &Travel USA meeting
Work and Travel USA and CAMP USA programmes The Best Way - Work &Travel USA and Science Club of the UK&USA Admirers at the University of Opole invite you all to an informational meeting about the Work and Travel USA and CAMP USA programmes. There will also be...
Campaign 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
graphic: Plenipotentiary for Equal Rights at Opole University invites all students to the event within Campaign 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.27 Nov, 4:00 330, Collegium Civitas Workshops will be based on the film and participants...
Language learning in inclusive education – kick-off meeting
On 4-5 Nov 2019 the University of Opole hosted a “kick-off-meeting” of an european project “Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education”. The project is carried out within the framework of the Strategic Partnership...
ATTENTION! CAE EXAM will take place in AULA BŁĘKITNA (room 301) in Collegium Maius and not in 206. The time of the exam sessions stays unchanged: SESSION 1 - 12:00, SESSION II - 4:00 P.M. All participants are asked to bring a pencil and a pen. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! More...
Region on the move
We invite you to a talk by dr. Agnes Eross of the Geographical Institute Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungary. Dr. Eross is currently a visiting professor to the Department of Sociology, where she teaches a class in the Intercultural Communication...