Dear students,

We have our pleasure to invite you to the open lecture and discussion with prof. Susan Yelich Biniecki, visiting Erasmus+ scholar hosted by our university, namely, the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences.

The lecture is entitled Microaggressions and intercultural education: the meaning, roots, symptoms and consequences, and will be held on March 16th, at 13.15, in Aula B, 48, Oleska street.

Dr. Yelich Biniecki currently serves as an assistant professor of adult education at Kansas State University, US. Her research focuses on culture, knowledge construction, and international adult education in non-formal and formal settings. So, the event is expected to be interesting to both students and faculty members.


Visit to the Contemporary Art Gallery

Visit to the Contemporary Art Gallery

We were invited to the Contemporary Art Gallery on Tuesday, 21. of June to see an exhibition and take part in a concert. Have a look at the photos below and read, what our students thought about it. We had our excursion at the Modern Art Gallery. We had a nice guide...

Oh, Ukraine, Ah, Poland! We are watching Euros.

Oh, Ukraine, Ah, Poland! We are watching Euros.

We geared up and now the ninth floor turned into a fans' zone. We watched sorry Ukraine having been stunned by heavy rain, ice storm and a bit of luck and persistence of the Northern Irish. The only thing that connects our Ukrainian students to their national team at...

Bye, bye!

Bye, bye!

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone? Joni Mitchell Never lies as we all know. It might be a bit sad, but we are approaching the end of the semester and academic year. This is why we would like to thank all our visiting...