Visit from Mykolayiv National Agrarian University in Ukraine

within the Erasmus+ Programme

In the frame  of  cooperation between University of Opole and Mykolayiv National Agrarian University in Ukraine, realized within Erasmus+ project, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology hosted Iryna Honcharenko, PhD Assoc. Prof along with two students. Their visit was an excellent opportunity to exchange not only scientific but also didactic experience as well as deepening collaboration amid our Universities. Environmental and energetic issues ongoing in Mykolayiv – city affected by war and infrastructural crisis – were put in a spotlight as well.

During her weekly stay at the University of Opole, Iryna Honcharenko, PhD Assoc. Prof, conducted didactic classes and workshops for students. Challenges connected with access to drinkable water, methods of its treating were talked through as well as how energetic crisis impacted functionality of the city and a daily life of its citizens. During the classes, various water resources management strategies were analysed along with modern technologies used in extraordinary situations, for example mobile filtration scheme whether alternative energy resources.

Scientific meetings with lecturers as well as experimental works conducted in labs of Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology were key component of the visit. Main focus has been put into innovative methods of water treating. Significant topic of researches was also adaptation of energetic systems to tough crisis conditions, especially in the context of war and necessity of providing energetic security among regions where the infrastructure was destroyed. Renewable energy sources use was taken into consideration along with solutions assuring stable energy supplies for local society.  

This visit has also been an important experience for students from Mykolayiv National Agrarian University which will stay at the University of Opole till the end of semester. Meanwhile they will take part in classes, conduct researches in labs and widen their knowledge into multinational academic environment. Their scientific coordinator is Antonina Kalinichenko, PhD, Assoc. Prof. at University of Opole, which will support them during realization of research projects as well as supervise their scientific and didactic activity.   

Erasmus+ project not only enable mobility for students and lecturers, but also create space to exchange knowledge and build scientific long-term partnerships. Cooperation between our Universities acquire more and more significance, especially in the context of global challenges connected with environmental protection and energetic security. Combined researches and exchange of experience amid Poland and Ukraine contribute to growth of innovative solutions which might find practical usage in cities struggling with infrastructural crises.

We would like to thank dearly Iryna Honcharenko, PhD Assoc. Prof and the students for inspiring meetings, active involvement into classes and priceless scientific discussions. We hope for continuation of this cooperation and further common scientific as well as didactic initiatives!

Author: Antonina Kalinichenko, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

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