Take part in Intensive Training for Economics Teachers! Second chance
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Recruitment for FORTHEM Campus at the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania) – spring semester 2024/2025 ay
ATTENTION: Recruitment only for the students of the Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Political Science and Social Communication, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, and Institute of History The International Mobility Team of the Office for Research and...
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na studia i praktyki w semestrze letnim 2024/2025
Dodatkowa rekrutacja na wyjazdy na studia i praktyki za granicą w ramach Programu Erasmus+ w semestrze letnim r.ak. 2024/2025!* Rekrutacja potrwa od 01.10.2024 do 11.10.2024**JAK APLIKOWAĆ NA MOBILNOŚĆ NA STUDIA: W zakładce Uczelnie Partnerskie znajdź swoją jednostkę...
Additional recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship during the spring semester of 2024/2025
Additional recruitment for mobilities for study and traineeship within the framework of the Erasmus + Program during the spring semester of 2024/2025 ay.* The recruitment will last from 01.10.2024 to 11.10.2024** HOW TO APPLY FOR MOBILITY FOR STUDY: In the...