is a semester-long exchange, that combines studies and activities related to your discipline with a special themed programme.
The first edition “Food and Fooding” will be organized by Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, France in autumn 2021.
You have to choose studies from each of the categories below in order to collect 30 ECTS per semester:
- Studies related to your discipline -> 5-15 ECTS; list of available disciplines
- Transversal module -> 5-15 ECTS; e.g. communication about food, gastronomy, wines, food science basics, nutrition and dietary habits, children and food
- Open module -> 5-15 ECTS; e.g. tutored project, language courses, internship
We are waiting for your application until 20th of May 2021. You can contact us on or
If you require any further information,
feel free to contact us.
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