My Erasmus experience

María from Spain
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Today, María from Spain would like to tell us about her experience in Opole during Erasmus +

Her name is María Cano Toro. She is from a village close to Málaga in Spain. María is 21 years old and she’s been studying to become a teacher of children between 6 and 12 years old. María was in Poland for 5 months, during the summer semester, because earlier she wanted to do the internship in Spain. 

1. Hello María! Could you tell us why you chose the University of Opole as your Erasmus destination?

 Hello! Of course 🙂 It was clear for me long time ago that I want to take the opportunity of going on Erasmus + Program. First of all, before seeing the destinations my home university offered me, one of my main interests was to spend my Erasmus in a country like Poland. When I saw the offer of the University of Opole, I decided to go there, because it was one of the best situated universities that I have found, but also the University has a lot of good references. I was sure that I woud not regret the decision of choosing the University of Opole 🙂 

2. Could you tell us something about classes at this university? Is it hard to pass? Are the teachers helpful?

 Unfortunately, due to Covid’19, I was able to attend the classes only during the first week, but even though I’ve seen that teachers were very kind, helpful and in a good relation with students. All of them knew how to adapt to the new needs and the way they managed with teaching their subjects was easy and pleasant for me. They were always aware of the doubts that arose and some of them have used videoconferences as a type of online classes to help acquire skills and knowledge. In the academic field I have been very happy with the treatment and help I have been given during these 5 months.

 3. What would you recommend to do in Opole? How can you spend your free time there?

 As I mentioned earlier, my Erasmus experience was shortened by quarantine, but in Opole I recommend to take a walk around the historical centre of the city, enjoy nice time walking along the river, go to the Opole Castle, attend the days offered by the university during the first week, such as a nice boat ride, try typical dishes of the country and eat in one of the best restaurants – Manekin. Every corner of this city is unique. All its bridges, its colorful buildings and its streets make this city a home that feels like your own home from the beginning.

If you are interested in partying, I recommend you to go to Cina Club and if you just feel like spending time with friends in a pub go to Highlander (with the good weather they open their terrace by the river and it is really beautiful there).There are many activities that are organised in Opole, that’s why it is a good place to live an Erasmus experience 🙂

 4.Would you recommend to others to come here? Why?

 I recommend it to anyone who is interested in going on Erasmus. I have only good words to say about my time in Opole. I have met many people and all of them helped me to have many beautiful memories from this time that I will always keep in my mind. I felt very welcomed by the students from Poland as well. They were always willing to solve doubts, help and make you feel like you’re at home. I met a lot of wonderful people who made my experience unique.

 5.Are there any disadvantages of choosing Poland as your Erasmus destination?

 From my point of view I can’t see any disadvantages. Opole is very well located on the map of Poland and Europe, you have many facilities to travel and although the weather is not really good, especially during winter, finally you are going to get used to it.

6.How could you sum up your Erasmus experience after five months?

 Before arriving to the city, I was a little bit afraid of not knowing what I was getting into. I was going to live in a new country, far from my home and I was doing it alone, I was going out of my comfort zone. In the end it took me only few days to meet wonderful people who made my five months stay in Opole unforgettable. Undoubtedly, one of the best stages of my life so far and this is thanks to the people and the place.

 7. In the end I would like to ask you about your opinion about the Erasmus + Program. Is it worth to study abroad for one semester?

 There’s no doubt – it’s definitely worth it! Erasmus + Program makes you change the way you see many things around you. I wish I could have spent a whole year in this city, but even though I am still satisfied with everything I experienced there. I encourage everyone to do it without thoughts that something can go wrong. Trust me, you will not regret it! 🙂


Thank you María for the interview! 🙂


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