Summer University 2019

15 July - 9 august 2019
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The 4th Summer University
in Opole

The 4th Summer University has come to an end. This year, the University of Opole hosted more than 70 students and teachers from China, Taiwan and Kazakhstan who have spent 3 weeks acquiring new knowledge within three concentrations: European Studies, European Society and Culture, and Teacher Training. In addition to classes, participants had an opportunity to learn about Polish culture and language, try Polish cuisine and visit places such as the Polish Song Museum, Zoo in Opole, the Piast Tower, as well as the Moszna Castle, Krakow and several European capitals. They also met President of Opole, Arkadiusz Wiśniewski, in the Town Hall. We hope you had fun during afternoon activities, such as dance workshops, picnic, movies screenings and many others. 

Thank you for the great time and see you soon!

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