International Weekends

NAWa-Welcome to Poland
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The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of  Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project Increasing competencies of academic staff and institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome to Poland executed under the Action specified in the application for project funding POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.

Welcome to UO

We would like to present International Weekends, our new project within the ‘Welcome to UO’ programme that would encourage UO employees and international students to get to know each other and share their cultural practices.

The idea behind it is very simple –  UO staff will invite students to their homes to spend time in their families.

Over a common activity or meal, students will learn more about Polish traditions and cuisine, while Poles might use this occasion to share their culture and discover the ones of their guests.

If you want to be a part of our great international community, join International Weekends.

You can participate as an organized group (one UO employee + at least 3 students – registration on or you can sign up here: link and we will provide you company.

Place, time, menu – all is up to you.

Remember to take photos – we will need them (by participating you agree with the use of these photos).

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