Flavours of the World

Welcome to Poland!
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Do you enjoy cooking or are you a foodie? If the answer to either of the questions is yes, we have an event that will be a perfect fit for you!

For all the food lovers we’ve prepared a new cycle of meetings entitled Flavours of the World, during which you will have an opportunity to experience other cultures through cuisine.

This event is also a chance for all of us to spend some great time together, in the international environment we all create and belong to.

Let us get immersed into flavours of YOUR traditional cuisine: refresh your cooking skills, think of your favourite dish and follow 3 simple steps:

  • Let us know that you want to join the project, send an email to erasmus@uni.opole.pl or hello@uni.opole.pl with the shopping list so we can provide you with all the necessary ingredients (before January 10, 2019)
  • You will get all the necessary ingredients on January, 14.
  • The dishes are expected to be eaten and enjoyed on January, 15.   

Flavours of the World will take place on January 15, 2019 between 2 pm. and 4 pm. in Student Culture Centre (Sala Widowiskowa).

The event is a part of the Welcome to Poland project, co-funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of  Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project Increasing competencies of academic staff and institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome to Poland executed under the Action specified in the application for project funding POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.

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