CAE & FCE – Free Mock Exams at the University of Opole in March
On 12 March 2020 we organize free mock exams at B2 (FCE) and C1 (CAE) levels. All exam papers are original and are provided and checked by Cambridge University examiners in the UK!
Pretesting is an amazing opportunity to test your English language and get feedback on your Reading, Listening, Use of English and Writing skills.
This year we offer the following parts:
– CAE: Listening, Reading, Use of English
– FCE: Writing
Everybody is invited to enroll: students, professors, staff, as well as people not related to the University.
Don’t hesitate – apply!
– 12.03.2020 – 12:00 – Collegium Maius, plac Kopernika 11A; room 301 Aula Błękitna – III floor
– 12.03.2020 – 13:00 – Collegium Maius, plac Kopernika 11A; room 301 Aula Błękitna – III floor
– 12.03.2020 –16:30 – Collegium Maius, plac Kopernika 11A; room 301 Aula Błękitna – III floor
Please come 10 minutes before the exam and bring a pen and a pencil with you.
The number of seats is limited – the order of application will be a decisive factor.
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