Adaptation week at the University of Opole

This week we welcome the new foreign students who have just come to Poland and will study at one or another English study programme launched by the University of Opole this year. The Office for International Study Programmes has prepared a couple of events in order to help them get adjusted to the new environment and facilitate their integration with the local culture.

By mere coincidence, we started the Adaptation Week with the celebration of the World Language Day that we have co-organized with the Foreign Language Library on September, 26. In the nice and friendly atmosphere, we got familiar with the cultures we represent, be it the traditional cuisine, music or language, and tried to destroy the stereotypes. Moreover, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the locals and get some advice from them on how to survive in Opole and enjoy the time spent here. During this evening, we practically visited Turkey, Ukraine, France, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, and Italy, and, at least, visually experienced all the beauty and authenticity of those countries.

The meeting ended up with music performances. The guests and the hosts of the event sang the songs of Edith Piaf, John Lennon, Ben E. King, and Leonard Cohen.


Festival of cultures

Festival of cultures

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Workshop on disabilities and accessibility

Workshop on disabilities and accessibility

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English Preparatory Courses

English Preparatory Courses

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